Press Release
Notice of Service
Gozo Channel would like to inform the public that the MV Gaudos will be out of service for
dry-dock maintenance from Wednesday, November 8th to Friday, December 1st, 2023.
During this time, the company will be operating a temporary timetable for all other vessels.
The temporary timetable will be published on the Gozo Channel website and social media
channels. Passengers are advised to check the latest timetable before traveling.
Gozo Channel apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the MV Gaudos dry-dock. The
company is committed to providing safe and reliable ferry services between the two islands.
For more information, please visit the Gozo Channel website or
contact us on 22109000.
Attached you will find the temporary timetable.
Stqarrija ghall-Istampa
Informazzjoni Dwar is-Servizz
Il-kumpanija Gozo Channel, tixtieq tavża lill-Pubbliku Ġenerali li MV Gaudos ser jkun barra
mis-servizz għall-manutenzjoni fid-‘drydocks’ mill-Erbgħa 8 ta’ Novembru sal-Ġimgħa, l-1
ta’ Diċembru 2023. Matul dan iż-żmien, il-kumpanija se tkun qed topera skeda temporanja
għal-bastimenti l-oħra.
L-iskeda temporanja se tkun ippublikata fuq il-websajt tal-Gozo Channel u fuq is-siti soċjali.
Il-passiġġieri huma avżati biex jiċċekjaw din l-iskeda qabel ma jivvjaġġaw.
Il-Gozo Channel tiskuża ruħha għal kull inkonvenjent ikkawżat minħabba id-‘drydocking’ ta’
MV Gaudos. Il-kumpanija hija impenjata li tipprovdi servizz sigur u affidabli bejn iż-zewg
Għal aktar informazzjoni nitolbukhom iżżuru l-websajt tal-Gozo Channel jew tikkuntattjawna fuq 22109000.
Mehmuż għandkom issibu l-iskeda temporanja.